As we’re preparing to enjoy food and family and thankfulness, many also prepare to donate to those who are less fortunate. As wonderful as any donation is, there are certain items which particularly make a difference. I’ve gathered a list of the most sought after items so that you can truly make an impact in helping the less fortunate in your community!
Canned goods – Proteins
Many people think to donate canned goods to food banks, but often times many donations forget the protein! Food banks are always in need of protein items, such as canned tuna and chicken. Next time you drop off a donation of canned goods, consider throwing a few canned meats into the mix! The food bank will greatly appreciate it!

It’s great to get donations of food, but often times we don’t even think about what people will season those foods with! Spices are always a very welcome donation, and don’t come around all that often. So next time you’re shopping and accidentally buy a double pepper or seasoning salt, consider adding it to your donation!
New Socks and Underwear

Unlike many other clothing items that can be donated secondhand, only new socks and underwear can be accepted, and sadly they are the MOST needed items at donation centers. If you want to be your center’s biggest hero, consider bringing a couple packs of each!

Many homeless centers are in need of old reader and prescription glasses. For those who can’t afford it, donations mean the difference in the ability to see or not. Instead of tossing your old glasses, consider giving them to the needy!
Personal Bath Products
Another item always in great demand are hygiene products such as shampoos, soaps, and conditioners. These can be donated new in full size, or in travel size. Either way, your effort makes a difference!
Blankets and Sleeping Bags

As winter moves in upon us, it starts to become bitterly cold. For those who have nowhere warm to sleep, an extra blanket or sleeping bag could make a major difference. If you’ve got a cabinet stuffed with old blankets not being used, perhaps consider donating them?
Feminine Hygiene Products

Yet more items that are desperately needed by homeless shelters. Packs of tampons and pads are a highly prized commodity, and any donations of such items are greatly appreciated.

Everyone who’s ever had a child knows that when diapers add up, they are EXPENSIVE. For this reason, donation centers are always elated to receive new packs in donations.
Toilet Paper

It’s easy to forget about this, but everyone needs it! Often times toilet paper is the first item to fly off the shelves in donation centers. It may not seem like much, but a donation of TP is honestly quite valuable!