Getting ready for a move can be overwhelming. So many things running through your mind that you don’t even know where to begin. You decide to take the pictures off the walls and that makes you feel a little better because the walls are bare, appearing as though you have taken the first step. We hate to break it to you, but that wasn’t a great accomplishment. We are going to help you get started with a few important steps you need to take to help prepare for your move
A couple months before your move you want to start getting rid of unwanted items. If you plan to buy new furniture or you are downsizing to a smaller home, sell furniture or appliances that you won’t be taking with you. (Unless the appliances are part of the sale agreement of your home.) You need to decide what you want to keep; the things you can’t live without, even if they have to be in storage. The rest needs to be sold or donated. Have a yard/garage sale. Put the items up for sale online. Donate to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Also, if you plan to use a moving company, start calling around to get quotes and schedule as soon as you know the exact move out day.
A month before the big day, notify the post office, your creditors, schools, your insurance company and bank that you are about to move and give them your new address. Some places may require you to fill out paperwork, so it is best to get this out of the way so you are not doing it last minute. Also, if you haven’t started by now, pack your belongings. This will take quite some time and it is important to stay organized.
Two weeks before the move, notify all your service and utility companies. If you are using a cleaning company to do a move-out clean for you, call around and schedule this at this time
A week before the move, carefully plan the moving day. A lot of stress and failures can happen on this day. If you have a plan, it helps the day run as smooth as possible. Also, be sure to confirm with moving and cleaning companies.
It is important you give yourself a couple days of cushion between the moving day and the day the new homeowners/tenants move in. These days should be used to do a move-out clean and handle anything that may have been forgotten.
We trust that these tips will help you have a successful move. Contact us for any of your home buying and selling needs. We are always happy to help.
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